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Useful info


From Original Sites:                                 


Tyre To Travel (Trace Your Route Everywhere)  


Sygic for iPhone


ITN Converter






Our Site (if originals are down!)








All of the above (except the iPhone app) from our site all combined in one zip file!


Demo 200 mile route incorporating 4 Passes in Derbyshire – 3 file types


something to attach them to your bike...




Now to use them!


Tyre is a fantastic motorbike route planner with drag &
drop waypoints.


The good thing about this apart from it being free, is that
you can save your route in various file formats that can be imported into your Garmins and TomToms.


If you possess one of these devices, what are you waiting for?

Download Tyre and get importing routes!




If you don’t have a SatNav, but do own an iPhone you’d love to
be able to use, I’ve spent a while scouring the web and experimenting and found a way to set up a free satnav and way to import (Tyre) PC generated routes onto my iPhone 5 and you do NOT need to be jailbroken!


In short, the way to do this is:


1 – Install Sygic satnav app on iPhone

2 – Create route in Tyre

3 – Save as GPX gile

4 – Convert to ITF File using ITNConverter

5 – Put the ‘.itf’ file into the

folder on the iPhone using iTools (requires iTunes being installed to work).

6 – In Sygic, open Route -> Load Route and pick your route!



The long way:




I suggest installing Sygic sooner rather than later as once
installed, it then requires massive downloads of maps and stuff so get that started now.

You can find it in the App Store.


Download the other files referred to above.


Create a route on Tyre and save it as a .gpx file with a name
you’ll recognise it by.

It’s also pretty cool to save as a Google Earth .kml file. You can use Google
Earth to fly around your route and check out the terrain.


Install ITNConverter and use it to open and convert the GPX
file to a Sygic ITF file.

When opening the GPX, it will give you a couple of options; Route and Track.

You will see that Route has far less waypoints so this is the one you want.

When converting it, make it a Sygic GPS Navigation (itf) file.


Now you need to put it onto your iPhone to use it.

Assuming you were listening earlier and installed the Sygic app, you now need to install and run iTools 2013. This requires iTunes to be installed in order to work.

With your phone connected to your PC, open iTools and in the left pane, under Your iPhone, drill down to Apps/Sygic/Library/sygic/aurares/itinerary.


Now just drop your new itf file into that itinerary folder and
you can disconnect your phone.


Open up Sygic on your iPhone and go to Route -> Load Route
and there you have it!


For the record, I bought my stem mount kit from the company mentioned at the top but from their eBay shop.

Route Planning & Sat Nav

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